April 19, 2024

Good morning, 

We live in a fast-paced culture that demands everything now, and that’s one reason why waiting on God is so difficult. The most important part of waiting is remembering that we are waiting for the God of unlimited transcendent power and majestic greatness. It is important to remember that the God whom we are waiting for is not only great but also nearby.

Most of us don’t like waiting because it seems meaningless. Waiting is a slow burn with undisclosed outcomes and uncertain timeframes that test our patience and faith. Waiting, by God's definition, is not an interruption of the plan—it is part of the plan. Lamentations 3:26 reminds us that it is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.

You will not always understand God or His ways. It takes great strength to wait and trust God's inscrutable wisdom and steadfast love. It is easy to become angry, frustrated, irritated, and even discouraged during unexpected and expected times of waiting. Your attitude when waiting for God reveals the value placed on what you are waiting for.

Waiting on God is a regular refrain in the life of faith that prompts you to pray. It's not a passive waiting, but an active one, where you engage with God through prayer. Patience comes with faith in the moment and hope for the future. And if you forget God’s exhaustive wisdom, power, majesty and sovereignty – you have surrendered all hope for the future. Waiting on God is productive, and it encourages you to be an active and joyful participant. We owe our everything to His kindness and patience with us.

Please continue to mail your checks to Payne Chapel A.M.E Church, 2701 Lee St, Houston, Texas 77026, or use Givelify.com on the church website. Your financial contributions during this new way of worship are greatly appreciated.

Finally, I would like to leave you with this thought for meditation; “God is intentional. HE is deliberate, precise, and knows what HE is doing. Your job is to keep the faith, wait on Him and know that HE is God.”― Germany Kent. 

Blessings and Peace.

Pastor Kevin L. Bullock, Sr